Letter To the Ambassadors
Greetings, Class of 74
Thank you for joining our own Mac website; Everyone must know someone from Mac that has not joined the website yet. A lot of folks have visited the site (133,000 visits) but many have not joined. Rest assured, we have complete control of the privacy of information on our site. And many other classes have had great success in growing their website: www.macclassof69.com, www.mac1970.com, www.macarthur71.com, www.mac1972.com, www.mac1973.com, www.mac75.org. Please visit these sites-- they have done a good job. Our goal is to get at least 200 new members to join.
I am asking that everyone be an Ambassador for our website. Please call, email or even search Facebook for your classmates. IF EVERYONE GETS ONE CLASSMATE , we will double our class participation.
If anyone has ideas or suggestions for our Website or would like to help with the website, you are welcome to call me at 210-393-4696 (leave a message) or email me at nmc294@juno.com (please put MAC 1974 website).
Please contact someone!
Stephen Spencer
Class President 74